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Rico Strong

Rico Strong

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Sometimes our relationships with porn star babes are complicated. We love them, adore them, and want to see them thrive and be happy. Sometimes, however, we want to see them get absolutely pounded and destroyed on the end of a hammering dick. We want to see them tear up and gag as they work their beejee skills, and love seeing that mascara drip down when they get pummeled in their fine poontangs and deep up their asses. This is where we count on our boy Rico Strong to have our backs. Rico is one hardcore black python carrier who never lets these bitches get off easy when they sign up for a scene with him. Don’t worry, as they still get off, and they all love every second of it and come begging Rico for more. It’s just that, when the lights go on and the director yells action, Rico spares no amount of his powerful thrust muscle when he dishes the action out on these chicks. Rico has showered so many pretty faces with his special brand of hot cock cream, they might as well bottle and sell it to chicks everywhere. Because girls everywhere all deserve, at least once, to know what it feels like to have that black mega joystick drill deep inside their sex tunnels. You’ve never seen so many happy limping and stumbling babes in your life until you’ve seen what Rico can do to a roomful of sluts.
  • Performer AKA

    ricco strong

  • Date of Birth


  • Height

    5 ft 10 in (177 cm)

  • Astrology


  • Ethnicity


  • Weight

    205 lbs (93 kg)

  • Hair


  • Years Active

    2004 to Present (Started around 20 years old)

  • Tattoos

    Both arms; chest

  • Birth Place

    Long Beach, California, United States of America

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