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Nikita Von James

Nikita Von James

If only a girl like Nikita Von James could have been around for the last 50 years, perhaps the Cold War would have been relabeled the Smoking Hot War, and the only rockets fired would have been cum-filled cock rockets aimed right at Nikita’s explosive rack. This Ruskie blonde knockout grew up somewhere in the cold gray winter land of Commie Russia, and as soon as that Iron Curtain hit the ground, she hit the road to travel the world and expand her mind, and later, her pussy. She landed in America after her studies and decided to explore some of her wildest dreams. You see, even as a little Pinko wannabe slut, Nikita loved watching hardcore porn, so her destiny would be to come to the land where "lights, camera, action” always meant "suck, fuck, and money shot.” Nikita hit the pole-dancing scene hard and surely greased up enough titanium across several states to be known as a fire hazard. Finally, she decided to try out her live action sex skills for the cameras. First she showed American bitches what real hardcore lesbians need in order to stay warm and wet in even the deepest Russian winters. With massive tits like those, it was only a matter of time before the industry’s best boners set their sights toward her chest and unleashed furies of sperm wads. Now, Nikita sucks cock like a real American hero and takes those deep dickings so professionally, you’d think her pussy was a one-million-dollar cock-wallet.
  • Performer AKA

    nikita jaymes, nikkita james

  • Date of Birth


  • Height

    5 ft 4 in (162 cm)

  • Astrology


  • Ethnicity


  • Weight

    110 lbs (50 kg)

  • Hair


  • Years Active

    2009 to Present (Started around 32 years old)

  • Piercings


  • Tattoos

    Chinese script on inside of left lower arm; Lower back

  • Measurements


  • Breast Type


  • Breasts Size


  • Cup Size


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nikita jaymes, nikkita james

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