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Mallory Sierra

Mallory Sierra

Mallory Sierra sought the pornstar life in 2016. Already in the sex business, she became a pornstar to develop her private practice. Calling herself Ms. Fun on the Side, she likes to be that little plaything that you bring to your bachelor pad while your wife is none the wiser. She likes to be that afternoon delight between you and your laptop or your smartphone. Mallory wants to be the fun one who brings you pleasure with none of the drama. She’s a beautiful girl with a great body and an interesting face to look at. She doesn’t have one of those plastic pornstar faces, but rather a face you’ll remember as much as her toned figure, which she must spend a lot of time maintaining in the gym. Mallory travels the country to shoot with various porn producers, making all different types of fetish porn. You might see her dress up like a super hero, get fisted, or have fun with BDSM. There are also just basic fuck videos with simple elements of boy-on-girl sex. She is 5 feet 3 inches tall and weighs about 134 pounds. Her 36DDDs seem natural, but nowadays it’s hard to tell with all the new technology used to make tits huge. She has a 28-inch waist and a 36-inch ass to balance it all out. Mallory recently posted on her Twitter account, which has thousands of followers, that she is retiring, but she still plans to make videos, so it’s not clear what she’s retiring from! In any case, you’ll always be able to catch her in the fuck flicks we have here!
  • Date of Birth


  • Height

    5 ft 3 in (160 cm)

  • Ethnicity


  • Weight

    126 lbs (57 kg)

  • Hair


  • Measurements


  • Birth Place

    Seattle, Washington, United States of America

  • Breast Type


  • Breasts Size


  • Cup Size


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